Get In Touch
- 0475 434 559
- Perth, Western Australia
Is there an age limit?
Age is only a number, that’s all. It has no limitations! The only limitations are the ones you set for yourself. It’s like Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” Those who are fearless, never grow old.
Those who dare to become their truest version will find a deeper purpose in life. And, when life has a purpose, time has no boundaries. When time has no boundaries, age really is just a number!
So, with that said – I often get asked the age of attendees and it’s a mix.
I’d say 60% range from 25-40
20% 18-25
20% 40-60
So, whatever your age you are welcome, because you’re only as young or as old as your heart desires
Do people come to events on their own?
A Common question I get asked is do people ever come solo? And the answer is YES 💕
Majority of people come on their own – I did a poll on this and of 250 replies – 78% who replied came on their own that is 198 😱
I also personally greet every attendee. Introduce you to some people who have arrived and ensure you aren’t sitting around anxious; we do activities and games to ensure you are having the best time and getting to meet your new best friends.
I'm an introvert - will I fit in?
Another common question I get asked is do introverts come to the friendher events? So I did another poll and the response was huge with 71% introverts attending events
It might look like lots of extroverts in our videos and reels but that’s because extroverts are loud and more out there, so we see them appear in footage more comfortably
Do you hold events South of the River, or North?
Friendher tries to do all events in a central location to make it fair for all South and North of the river; previous event locations have been, South Perth, Osborne Park, Mount Hawthorn, Perth City, Fremantle
Friendher also tries to pick venues that are close to public transport so that it makes it easier to get to.