
All material published on is subject to copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved.

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Use of Friendher Logo and Slogans

Logos and slogans relating to Friendher are not to be used by third parties in hard copy or online publications or communication materials (including, but not limited to, advertising, promotion or display materials) without written permission from the Friendher.

When permission is given, it relates to the logo being used as a means of recognising Friendher support of a particular event, program or initiative; it does not in any way imply general support of the third party’s organisation or any of its other activities.

The process to obtain permission is as follows:

  • Contact us clearly stating your reason for wanting to use Friendher Logo, slogans and signage and/or photographs of Friendher representatives
  • Once permission is granted you will receive a copy of the logo and guidelines associated with its use.
  • Before print or online publication, final artwork should be forwarded to our Communications and Marketing team for approval.
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